The core strength to our organization’s success has been its highly specified Data Collection Capabilities.For instance face to face field research methods or individuals who undertake data collection in the field are enabled with Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) technology.
Interviewing for data collection in this manner allows us to keep clients abreast of the latest information and the ability to generate a faster turnaround of quality data for clients.
In addition, through this method we are capable of applying automated checks to the data while fieldwork progresses.
Should irregularities arise in data collection this method allows us to immediately rectify errors.
Another strength that is displayed by our team is its capability to conduct field work in varied work environments from in-street locations, to office or home localities.As part our operating procedures prior to beginning any assessment – the interview location and the methodology of the study are compared to make sure each aspect compliments the other in terms of the required objectives.
In addition to the above conducting feedback sessions with the respondents via email, phone or in person is a stringent aspect of our methodology which enables us to understand if the data collection experience has been a positive one and how to better improve our methods for the future.
Through the years our company has developed an efficient in-house Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) network that allows for the least amount of error in this field.
Our CATI network permits complex questionnaires to be compared in addition to increasing the accuracy and a wide range of surveys to be programmed.The technology also allows our research team to implement voice recordings and the capability of remotely monitoring interviews for a more accurate means of data collection.
Constantly refining our methodology and techniques, our team is always working towards bettering work processes in order to make sure only the highest standards of quality are maintained in our undertakings.
It is owing to this commitment to quality that many local and overseas consultancy agencies have chosen our organization to outsource data collection studies.
In order to ensure that a consistent standard of quality is maintained our staff is constantly being trained on the field and accompanied by senior members to ensure that a qualified team is always allocated to data collection.